
Deluxe Board Game Train Sets: Wave 2

Created by The Little Plastic Train Company

All new engines and rail cars for your favorite train board games!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fulfillment complete / new sets available for sale
about 1 month ago – Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 11:51:55 AM

Fulfillment is complete

All backers, including UK backers, should have received their pledges by now.

Due to a spreadsheet formatting error on our part, some UK backers who pledged for one did not initially receive a Remarkable Railcars set. Those sets have all been shipped out. If you haven't received your set by now, you should within the next few days.

If there has been any problem with your pledge (e.g. missing components or you never received it), please email us at [email protected].

Wave 2 sets are available for sale on our website

We have received many emails from backers and people who missed the campaign asking when our Wave 2 sets would be available for sale.

We're pleased to announce that our new sets are now available for sale through our website

We have sold out of our stock in Asia and Australia/New Zealand. If you're in those countries and want to put in an order, just be aware that your order will have to ship from either the US or Europe.

Thank you all again!

This ends our campaign. Thank you all again for making it such a great success.

We wouldn't leave you without one final piece of silly, AI generated art. Below is what AI considers to be the aftermath of a successful train campaign.

Technically correct--the best kind of correct.

Until next time,

The Little Plastic Train Company

UK fulfillment update #2
2 months ago – Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 10:30:00 PM

UK address confirmations are being emailed today

Our UK fulfillment company, Spiral Galaxy, will be emailing address confirmations to all UK backers today. 

If your address is the same, you don't need to do anything.

If your address has changed, the email will contain instructions on how to give them your new address.

UK pledges will be shipped in the next 1-2 weeks

Spiral Galaxy has told us that they'll be shipping out everyone's pledges in the next 1-2 weeks. We're on their schedule now, so they'll be shipped out sometime in that window.

Support email for UK fulfillment issues

If an issue arises during UK fulfillment (damaged package, wrong order, package never arrived, etc.) please email [email protected].

It's been a long fortnight for us lads and we're quite cross and knackered. So we're going to kip down on the setee.

Ta ta for now,

The Little Plastic Train Company

UK fulfillment update
3 months ago – Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 11:29:14 AM

UK orders have been received at the warehouse

We had hoped the pallet of UK orders would arrive by the end of September. But due to delays at UK ports, it took a while to clear customs and our UK fulfillment company did not receive the pallet until Monday. 

The warehouse will soon unpack the orders and start preparing everything for shipment. We'll let you know when shipping commences. We are optimistic that will happen by the end of the month, but we'll send out an update once that starts.

In the meantime, enjoy what AI came up with for "the most British train ever."


The Little Plastic Train Company

All non UK fulfillment complete - and an opportunity for Australia / New Zealand backers
4 months ago – Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 12:44:28 PM

US/Canada/ROW and EU fulfillment is complete

Quartermaster has shipped out all US, Canada, and Rest of World orders. Some of you may have not received them yet, but all have been mailed and have active tracking numbers.

Publishing Technology Solutions has mailed out all EU orders. Again, some of you may not have received your packages yet, but all have been mailed out.

If you have not received your package or there is something missing or damaged, please email us at [email protected].

UK fulfillment update

UK orders are being shipped to our fulfillment company, Spiral Galaxy, in the UK this week. Spiral Galaxy should be able to start fulfillment shortly after receiving them. That means we are still on track to fulfill UK orders in late September / early October.

UK backers should receive an email once their orders are shipped.

Remaining sets available for purchase by Australia / New Zealand backers

Australia and New Zealand fulfillment happened a while ago, so we can now release our excess stock for sale. 

Because we have so few remaining products left in the Australia warehouse, it doesn't make economic sense to list them for sale in Australia or ship them to our main warehouse elsewhere in Australia.

We have the following stock remaining:

Remarkable Railcars Set: 4
Extraordinary Engines Set: 4
Extra Trains Set: 2
Start Player Coin: 4

If you are an Australia / New Zealand backer and would like to purchase any of these remaining products, we can sell them to you at the same Kickstarter prices. Please email [email protected] with what you'd like to order. 

We will not be selling these sets in Australia or New Zealand. Once our warehouse stock is gone, it's gone. The only way for y'all to order these will be from our USA warehouse, and shipping costs from the US to Australia/New Zealand are not pretty.

We are very happy to see that most of you have received your trains and are enjoying them. We tried to make these trains even better than our first sets and we hope we've succeeded.

Thank you all, again, for backing us.

We'll post another update once UK fulfillment has started.

The Little Plastic Train Company

EU fulfillment in full swing
4 months ago – Fri, Sep 06, 2024 at 11:06:07 AM

EU fulfillment will be complete by Monday, September 9

Our EU fulfillment partner has shipped all packages for backers that verified their email addresses. Those EU backers should receive their pledges soon, if they haven't already.

For EU backers who have not verified their addresses, you have until Monday. Regardless of whether you confirm your address or not, all remaining EU packages will be shipped out on Monday, September 9th.

UK fulfillment update

We're waiting on confirmation from our EU fulfillment partner that UK pledges have been shipped to our UK fulfillment partner. We'll send out another update once those orders have arrived at the UK warehouse.

Problems with your order?

If there's any problem with your order (e.g., damaged or missing items), please email us at [email protected].

The Little Plastic Train Company